Tide and Tidings at the Equinox
Concrete curve is lashed in swirls of spray
from gun-metal grey —
a liturgy for loss for one snatched off
a man of song and subtle smile whose paintings
bring the outside in,
reflective pools with scumbled bladderwrack,
impasto sensuousness
of sea and sky in cobalt blue.
You long to share
the blast and emptiness of losing him,
but this pitch in
to ocean swim seems Dantean.
Ebb starts: swim gear, barefoot we tread
on grass and grit
down concrete steps to ginger sand,
surf swirls ankles
thighs, whole being splashed and knocked,
no time to think,
plunge in to hurl — hard to grip
on sea or self
as crests mount and peak to crash,
how to expel
a gulp of brine before next thwack,
lungs must find force
to reach the turbulence beyond
where legs regain
some purchase despite cross-cut jolts.
The carmine orb
descends to layers of slate grey cloud,
its fire-path broad —
how fervently we urge it reach us!
Cold cringe sets in
as we deliberate, then turn
to concentrate
on undertow, suck out and back,
the bullish push
towards plumed groynes, how to stand
on streaming beach
as we emerge in wind and whoops.
Next day more wild.
Our pace is buffeted past seaweed drifts
and garden tangle;
torn fishnets hang from huts on stilts, linked by
gangplanks to the cliff;
far out, pickers bend to mussel buckets.
Hard to believe
return of swell and roar to this expanse —
the surge your fury
at the fatal illness that stays unexplained,
this force that sweeps you up
beyond yourself, suspends the agony of void,
salt bitterness
far more than you could weep, all elements
conjoined and braced.